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Tesn № 2

Your Heart is Easygoing

When it comes to love, you take the slow road.

You don't like anything to be too intense.
It takes you a while to warm up to someone, but once you do, you tend to                         be in it for the long haul.
You are extremely easy to get along with, and you make an ideal partner for many.

A lot of people end up crushing on you.
In relationships, you value harmony over drama.

You try to go with the flow whenever you possibly can.
You're not the type to push for love or to move a relationship forward.

You just let thing happen.
It is harder you for most when a relationship ends. You are loyal and devoted.

It is tough to just walk away.

Your Heart is Impulsive

Your heart is impulsive and carefree. You are optimistic about love and                           tend to dive right in.
You are receptive and open in relationships. You aren't afraid to love...                               or even really of being hurt.
You are naturally competitive, and it never bothers you to vie                                             for someone's affection. And you usually win!
If you're not careful, though, you can become too competitive with                                   your parter about career, friendships, and status.
In love, you have difficulty controlling your emotions.                                                       You wear your heart on your sleeve.
If you're interested in someone (or totally over someone), there's nothing                          you can do to hide it. Your feelings are crystal clear.

Your Heart is Cautious

You want love as much as the next person, but you're a bit shy.

You've been hurt before.
You need to be sure that you've found the right person before you                                   make the leap. And you're willing to take your time.
You tend to be a perfectionist in all aspects of your life, and this includes love.                 You are the type to have a checklist.
You may have high standards for your partner, but you also                                             have high standards for yourself.

You make sure that you are quality relationship material.
You can even be a bit of a relationship expert at times.

You've thought long and hard what it takes to make one work.
Deep down, all you want is a love that will last a lifetime.

And you're willing to work hard to make that happen.

Your Heart is Fiery

Your heart is strong willed and independent. You know who                                             you love almost right away.
Nothing is going to stand between you and your heart's desire.

You are often hot with passion.
Your attraction is unstoppable, but you tend to actually be pretty slow                             once you get on the relationship track.
You love yourself first and foremost. It takes time for you to make                                     real room for someone else in your heart.
When you are in a relationship, you find it difficult to compromise.

Best to be with someone who naturally wants the same things.
You will fight for what you believe in, and your partner has to be willing                               to meet you more than half way!

Категория: Психологические тесты | Добавил: GingerOkey (04.05.2014)
Просмотров: 428 | Комментарии: 2 | Рейтинг: 3.7/3
Всего комментариев: 2
1 bazhinaveronika  
Очень интересные тесты :)Сайт просто находка!

2 GingerOkey  
Вероника, какое сердечко выбрала ты? smile

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